Day Care Cameras and  Internet Video Streaming Solutions


Day Care Providers
Click here to learn more about the XYZ Day Care Camera Solution for daycare centers...

Parents Information
Click here to learn more about the  XYZ Day Care Camera Solution daycare viewing system..

Easy As X-Y-Z
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XYZ Day Care Camera Solution can help your...

Contact Us
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Parents Using XYZ Day Care Cams

Parents prefer a center with cameras because it is:

Putting Parents at Ease
Our service helps put parents at ease when away from their children. The XYZ Day Care Camera allows you to see the great child care you expect from your hard working day care provider. As an XYZ customer, child care centers take the Open Door policy for parents to the next level.

Easy to use
How does this service work? Once the necessary equipment has been installed at your center, you log on to your center's website from any computer (home, work, or while traveling) using your secure username/password. Once authorized, you can view your child-it's easy as XYZ and can be accessed on your computers, smart phones, tablets and other devices.

What if I need help?
 We are here to help .....For tech support,  please call us our number is 512-535-6459. Let one of our experts assist you today!!

Who uses XYZ Day Care Cams in my area?
Call us or email us, and we will be happy to refer you to a center that has chosen to partner with us. We are proud of our center's commitment to you and are happy to refer them anytime!

Want XYZ Day Care Cams at your Day Care?
Happy with your Daycare, but you wish they offered our service? Refer them to us, and we will be happy to evaluate their center and create a program for them. We appreciate referrals! Thank You!
Click here to refer your center
For more information call 512-535-6459
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XYZ Stream Hosting
2900S. Congress Ave 210
Austin TX 78704